Monday, October 25, 2010

Module Four: Connectivism

I actually learned about these tools from my professional development network using the tool Elluminate. During a PLS I had for Georgia Virtual School (GAVS) I learned about a variety of tools that I could use to enhance my students learning experience. But I benefited because these tools have helped me share and collaborate with my fellow colleagues about best practices. I can now share awesome ideas with my colleagues in a quick and easy way and one that allows us the consistently stay updated with new techniques and information. That is the beauty of many of these tools; the products are not set in stone and allow for growth and change, just like my learning experience. For example, I find Jing to be highly beneficial because it allows me to hear and see what my colleagues are doing (i.e. we have a HUGE push for improving literacy this year and have a "Literacy Bureau" to share best practices). Now instead of having to trek across campus (and mine is huge) to speak with a colleague, I can view a labeled screen shot or watch a quick video created of their desktop.

The digital tools that help me the most are the asynchronous ones (like all of the ones illustrated on my mindmap). I have such a busy and hectic schedule, that sitting down to collaborate with others via Skype or Elluminate can be very difficult. The tools that grant me 24-7 access are the best. But that is the beauty of technology, especially at 3 in the morning =)

I learn new knowledge when I have questions through investigation. This requires research of credible and reliable sources. That includes fellow educators. I am not above asking for help, guidance, or new ideas for a lesson. This may mean searching for lessons on collaborative educator sites, like TeacherTube, or asking a fellow colleague. Specifically, like for content I am learning in this course, organizational tools help, like that I used to create my mindmap.


  1. Erin,

    Your schedule seems to be as hectic as mine. I can't really nail down a time that I could give someone and say that I could be on skype or other IM/chat programs. It is better for me to use email or team rooms. I like your mindmap of resources. There were a few that I have never heard of and I plan to check them out further. That is one of the things that I like about these classes, we are able to share so many resources with each other.

  2. These are ones that I learned about through a conference with my virtual school. I recently presented them to my entire face-to-face school and everyone loved them! The kids love using them too!

  3. Erin, love your background and how you embedded your concept map! Please, please let me know how you did it.

    I see that you have a little one in your photograph. Well my "little ones" are now teenagers but I remember having to either stay up late or get up really early to do school work. That school work would have been much easier if had a computer or if I had been computer literate at that time. Now, my network of bookmarks make learning and completing projects much easier no matter the time of day (or night).

    Good luck with the "little sleep at night" years:)
